BRM Reviews ROH Northern Navigation

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Big Red Machine
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BRM Reviews ROH Northern Navigation

Post by Big Red Machine » Jan 5th, '11, 22:28

ROH Northern Navigation (7/25/2008)- Toronto, Ontario
1. The show starts out with a good promo by Larry Sweeney, explaining why both Adam Pearce and Brent Albright won’t be at this show. This was just plain great.

2. Ruckus vs. Chris Hero (Sweet N Sour Inc.)- 4.75/10
It should be illegal for Bobby Dempsey to not wear a shirt in public

3. Kenny Omega vs. Delirious- 6/10. Good wrestling, lots of fun.

4. Jennifer Blake vs. Sara Del Rey (w/Larry Sweeney & Shane Hagadorn)- 4/10. Girl Dynamite was impressive, but Death Rey just plain dominated her for most of the match.
After the match, Sweeney told Death Rey to break Blake’s neck to show the people at SHIMMER what will keep happening to their athletes until they give Death Rey a title shot, but Daizee Haze comes out and makes the save.

In a GREAT transition, Sweeney says that he hates Canada, so he has Go Shiozaki come out that Sweet N’ Sour Inc. can leave as soon as possible.

5. Erick Stevens vs. Go Shiozaki (w/Larry Sweeney & Shane Hagadorn)- 7.5/10. A very hard hitting, hard-fought chopfest, with VERY good aftermath.
The match goes to a draw. The crowd and Stevens want five more minutes… so Sweeney tells them that if they want five more minutes, everyone in the crowd has to pay him and additional ten dollars. Then LANCE STORM comes out, and he puts over ROH while criticizing Sweeney. Sweeney gets on the mic and stalls until Chris Hero comes down the ramp and hits Storm from behind with a rolling elbow. Shiozaki and Hero then beat down Storm and Stevens, until Storm and Stevens are able to lock in stereo Calgary Crabs.

6. Bryan Danielson vs. Claudio Castagnoli- 7.5/10. This was a really good match. The corwd was behind both men until Claudio started to steal Dragon’s spots, and the fans didn’t react kindly to that. After the match, Dragon gave a speech putting over ROH and the fans, which was a nice little touch in a new market.

7. An angle that has been going on throughout the show involved Rhett Titus showing people a video on his phone of Daizee Haze, who Rhett had wormed his way into getting an invitation to her house, then snuck into her bedroom and took pictures of her with his phone, before Daizee kicked him out. Rhett was now showing off these pictures. People reacted differently to it. The other ROH students were impressed. Dragon called Rhett “sad and pathetic.” Delirious (who was romantically interested in Daizee, but had the handicap of being both very shy, and… well… Delirious) wanted to see it, but Rhett said that Delirious was too “innocent” to see it. Daizee doesn’t know that the pictures exist.
At this point in the show, Rhett came out and started to get over with the crowd doing general Rhett-Titus type stuff. Daizee came out to yell at him, but Sara Del Rey came out and attacked her. Larry Sweeney then came out and told Rhett to scram, so Rhett did, and Sara kept putting the boots to Daizee. Delirious come out to make the save, but Sweeney dared him to hit Death Rey.
“You wouldn’t hit a woman, would you? In front of Daizee? HAHAHA!” Sweeney told Delirious that the only way Del Rey would stop beating Daizee down was if Delirious hit her. Faced with this dilemma, Delirious chose option C, and guarded Daizee with his own body. Death Rey kicked Delirious and few times, then she and Sweeney left. Afterwards, Daizee hugged Delirious. This was an great segment.

8. Naomichi Marufuji vs. Roderick Strong- 8/10!

9. ROH World Title match: Nigel McGuinness(c) vs. Kevin Steen- 8.75/10. Half an hour of awesome.
They played the first few lines of O Canada at the beginning of Steen’s entrance music.

10. No DQ’s match: Tyler Black & Jimmy Jacobs vs. Austin Aries & Jay Briscoe- 7.75/10.
Early on the Necro Butcher interfered for to help out the Age of the Fall, so the injured Mark Briscoe came out to counter him, effectively making this three on three until Mark took a bump and was injured. AOTF dominated with the numbers advantage, which led to some great storyline advancement between Jacobs, Aries, & Necro.

Overall- 8.5/10 this was an extremely good show, and is definitely worth picking up.
Hold #712: ARM BAR!

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