BRM Reviews WWE TLC 2010

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Big Red Machine
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BRM Reviews WWE TLC 2010

Post by Big Red Machine » Dec 21st, '10, 15:45

WWE TLC 2010 (12/19/2010)- Houston, TX,

GREAT opening video package!

GREAT comment by Lawler to Cole asking him "Do you think you're going to be able to control yourself?"

LADDER MATCH FOR THE WWE INTERCONTINENTAL TITLE: Dolph Ziggler(c) (w/Vickie) vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Jack Swagger-7/10! I loved the finish. Creative booking that allows the champ to retain and get some heat and set up for a rematch. Kofi continues his streak of coming up with AWESOME spots that I've never seen before in Ladder matches. The spot with Vickie on the ladder was great. I don't think I've ever seen comedy in a Ladder match before!

TAG TEAM TABLE MATCH: Nattie Neidhart & Beth Phoenix vs. Lay-Cool- (tentative) WOMEN'S MATCH OF THE YEAR (yes, better than Kong & Sayeed vs. Sara & Daizee, better than Tara vs. Mickie. I haven't seen Daizee vs. Toyota yet or anyhting SHIMMER though, but his had enough heat going into it that I might well give it to this, anyway)! 6.75/10! GREAT Teases, awesome spots (double sharpshooter!) and Beth looked like a MONSTER!


WWE TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: Santino & Kozlov(c) vs. Gabriel & Slater (w/Harris & McGillicutty)- 5/10. I didn't realize that Santino could wrestle semi-competently.

LADDER MATCH FOR #1 CONTENDERSHIP TO THE WWE TITLE: Sheamus vs. John Morrison- 8/10! Good story, great selling, cool spots- GREAT match!


TABLES MATCH FOR THE WWE TITLE: The Miz(c) (w/Alex RIley) vs. Randy Orton- 6.75/10- AWESOME FINISH! MIZ IS A GENIUS! AND AGAIN! I want the Miz to lose SOOOO BADLY... but that dastardly heel always manages to find away to cheat to win!


TLC MATCH FOR THE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE: Kane(c) vs. Del RIo vs. Mysterio vs. Edge- 9.5/10. WOW! This was AWESOME! IT should been the main event, too.

SANTA CLAUS SEGMENT- Cody was great on the mic, Big Show was obnoxious, and this entire segment belonged on Smackdown, not wasting time on my PPV, especially AFTER a the title match.

Punk replaces Striker on commentary, and Cole says "I thought that the CM stood for Cole Miner- GENIUS!"

STEEL CHAIR MATCH: John Cena vs. Wade Barrett- 7.25/10- Pretty good match, and I enjoyed the cat-and-mouse teases of the chairshots. I really didn't like him continuing to go after Barrett after the match (although if it leads to a new, more brutal Cena- especially as a lead in to a heel turn, I'll be fine with it). On the other hand, I think that putting this match on last was a HUGE mistake. This should have gone on before both title matches- or POSSIBLY between the two.

Stupid announcer quotes:

1. Striker- "All three of these superstars college educated, so you'll definitely see some very interesting strategy"- WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH ANYTHING? I don't know of any college that offers "PROW 305- Intermediate Strategies of Ladder Matches" or any similar course. We get that you're a teacher, Striker, but cool it!
Hold #712: ARM BAR!

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Re: BRM Reviews WWE TLC 2010

Post by yourcrapsweak » Dec 22nd, '10, 20:41

I'm glad you agree with me that that was woman's match of the year.
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Re: BRM Reviews WWE TLC 2010

Post by Serujuunin » Dec 29th, '10, 15:22

Big Red Machine wrote: I don't know of any college that offeres PROW 305- Intermediate Strategies of Ladder Matches"- or any similar course.
I would so take that course. :p

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