Michael Cole's serious journalism background

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Michael Cole's serious journalism background

Post by Lynas » Feb 24th, '11, 05:08

Hey Guys,

I know we all love to hate Michael Cole, but so few people really know Cole’s history. I looked him up properly... a while ago and I was pretty impressed with his journalistic history. First off, his name is actually Michael Coulthard (but you already knew that). For the wrestling industry, Cole is so much better and I will admit I love that he calls his ‘fans’ the Coleminers. I actually think Brian should find a helmet with mining lamp to wear to Extreme Rules.

I had known that Cole had been a serious reporter before he came to the WWE. He worked for CBS and covered the presidential campaign of Michael Dukakis, then on Bill Clinton’s campaign. In 1993 he covered the Branch Dividian standoff in Waco, Texas. He spent nine months abroad covering the Yugoslavian civil war. Upon returning he covered the aftermath of the Oklahoma City bombing. Then he returned to covering presidential campaigns in 1996.

While looking for information on Cole I was shocked at how much of his wikipedia page, and most other bios I found on Cole, had so little about his serious reporting and so much about his career in the WWE. I know it’s the way of the world, but it sucks to brush aside his storied history for the likes of professional wrestling. Personally, if I had the chance to shoot the shit with him over a beer, I’d be more interested in learning about his serious journalism. Well, that and how he manages to keep a straight face while being such a total ass on RAW.

I have no neat videos to spam this with & I promise to only post this once.

I am a factual wrestling fan & I love facts, but that's for another time, in the meantime I'm going to go and switch my TV off for no reason.

Come on let's be careful out there.

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Re: Michael Cole's serious journalism background

Post by kiel297 » Feb 24th, '11, 06:04

Lynas wrote: I am a factual wrestling fan & I love facts, but that's for another time, in the meantime I'm going to go and switch my TV off for no reason.

Come on let's be careful out there.
I actually just lol'd

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Re: Michael Cole's serious journalism background

Post by badnewzxl » Feb 25th, '11, 03:26

Lynas wrote: While looking for information on Cole I was shocked at how much of his wikipedia page, and most other bios I found on Cole, had so little about his serious reporting and so much about his career in the WWE. I know it’s the way of the world, but it sucks to brush aside his storied history for the likes of professional wrestling.
The reason no one acknowledges these things is bc there are hundreds of journalists who do and have done what Cole did; it's just part of the job. He doesn't really stand out as a journalist. I mean, I wouldn't go to do any of those things...unless I was a journalist. His accomplishments in the WWE are far more important than the coverage he did on the OC Bombing and all that other stuff(bc a CRAP ton of reporters did the very same thing). his WWE career is what sets him apart from those hundreds of other reporters....

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