BRM Reviews ROH Glory By Honor V: Night 1

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Big Red Machine
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BRM Reviews ROH Glory By Honor V: Night 1

Post by Big Red Machine » Sep 15th, '22, 10:20

ROH Glory By Honor V: Night 1 (9/15/2006)- East Windsor, CT

Hello and welcome to BRM’s Monthly “This Day in Wrestling History” Review Series! Today we’ll be watching a show that I’ve already seen, but my review disappeared into the ether of the internet, so now I’ve got an excuse to watch it again. I’m back to my happy place for ROH Glory By Honor V: Night 1.

BRISCOE BROTHER’S PROMO- fine built for their matches tonight and tomorrow night

This show is… in a tent. This might be the last time ROH had to do this. Your commentary team for tonight is Dave Prazak and Jared David. David explained that we’re in a tent because there was a permit problem and the show almost cancelled, but he spins the tent as a positive because you never know how the different environment might affect someone.

Dunn and Marcos won a very short match. They got “WELCOME BACK!” chants afterwards… which was ironic for two reasons. The first of which was that this would be their last nigh wrestling ROH. The second was that those chants were interrupted when two people the ROH fans very much didn’t want to welcome back showed up, hopping the guardrail.

Said people were the Kings of Wrestling. The fans quickly turned their chants of “WELCOME BACK!” into chants of “F*CK YOU, HERO!” Hero said that this is the weekend where they would show their dominance, and challenged Dunn & Marcos to a match right now. Dunn & Marcos accepted, so we got…

Dunn & Marcos got hit some flying moves at the beginning, but the rest of the match was KOW dominating them, as they should. This was also short, as it should have been.

He found a kayfabe way to get across the non-kayfabe message that tonight’s match would essentially be an indicator of whether Nigel would complete his babyface turn or start heading back in a heel direction, and he teased that he might turn as well.

Nigel managed to respond to Daniels in a kayfabe way without giving any indication as to which way he would go.

FOUR CORNER SURVIVAL MATCH: Ricky Reyes vs. Jack Evans vs. Colt Cabana vs. Jimmy Jacobs (w/Lacey)- 7/10
The action here was decent, but it was elevated by BEAUTIFUL character-work. The fans were all over Lacey the moment she came out, with chants of “SLUT!” and “SHE’S A CRACKWHORE!” and the like. Jimmy, for his part, was clearly heartbroken by the revelation of Lacey hooking up with Colt Cabana, but didn’t want to show it in front of Lacey. When Cabana came out, he had Bobby Cruise let everyone know that “he and Lacey did not reach third base in the bushes forty minutes ago.” This made Jimmy even sadder. We couldn’t see Lacey’s reaction well, but she seemed both embarrassed and amused. She tried to get Jimmy back in the mindset for a match.
Jimmy started to walk towards Cabana. Referee Todd Sinclair got between them, but Colt, of course, only made things worse by trying to mollify Jimmy by insisting that the alleged oral sex definitely did not happen. Jimmy put his had down on the turnbuckle despondently… only to be yelled at by Lacey. Jack Evans went around shaking people’s hands. When he got to Jimmy, he just grabbed Jimmy’s limp arm and shook it while Jimmy was standing half-way in the ring. Then he stuck his arm out to shake Lacey’s hand, and Jimmy kicked it away. This was all just sooo wonderful.
Then Jack the fans to chant “COLT’S A PIMP!” Poor Jimmy.
Okay… if I just keep recapping all of the awesome little things they did, I won’t have this show done in time to post the review. Let me just leave it as every bit of this was tremendous. Jimmy, Colt, and Lacey were all amazing in their roles. Lacey started insisting that they work together, and Jimmy agreed in order to keep Lacey happy… and Cabana proceeded to make Jimmy look like an idiot multiple times.
This being the second time I’ve seen, I was able to focus a little more on Colt than on Jimmy and Lacey (knowing that Jimmy wouldn’t snap yet), and I found it intriguing how this really is the same Colt Cabana we’ve always known, but now his jokes and making someone look like a fool are directed at someone who we have a reason to feel bad for… and all of a sudden Colt feels like an asshole rather than just the low-level dick he would occasionally be when doing this sort of thing to pretty much anyone else.
Okay. One last one I have to highlight: Cabana tried to get Jimmy to shake his hand by telling Jimmy that he and Lacey hooking up was no big deal and shouldn’t get in Jimmy’s way because “when me and Punk were buddies, we used to share girls all the time.”
Jack and Ricky played their parts in the drama as well, and provided some non-storyline-based action that was very exciting. The finish saw Jack Evans walk to the middle of the top rope and hit Jimmy with a 450 Leg Drop. When Jack Evans- who is far from being all- was standing on the top rope, he had to bend down because he was hitting is head on the top of the tent. Lacey, of course, yelled at Jimmy for losing.

They both wrestled cleanly. Nigel got the win, which was a good boost for him, beating a major name in ROH’s history en route to challenging Marufuji for the GHC Heavyweight Title tomorrow night.

Joe says that Roddy’s win over him at Epic Encounter II in a tag title defense was a fluke, and he will prove it tonight.

SAMOA JOE IS INTRODUCED TO TAKESHI MORISHIMA- After Joe finished his promo, someone came up to Joe to introduce him to Takeshi Morishima. Joe welcomed Morishima to ROH and told him “I hope you can hack it.” Knowing what’s coming tomorrow night, this is wonderful. This kind of thing makes me want to go back and watch everything in order with benefit of my current full knowledge and hindsight, just to find more little things like this. I don’t know if I’ll have time for that, unfortunately, so I’ll probably just have to settle for listening to Shane Hagadorn and Jeff Schwartz’s An Honorable Mention podcast, which is excellent for things like this (especially with Hagadorn’s additional insight having been the cameraman for a lot of it).

Jimmy Bauer stopped by the commentary booth to let us know that it had started raining, and if we start to see fans leaving, that’s why. He thanked the fans for showing up and sticking with the show.
Aries’ ribs are taped up. Davey worked over said ribs while Aries worked the head. Aries won with a big flurry of offense to the head.

Lacey is insistent that they’re the new Lacey’s Angels and they all need to be focused on getting wins. Cabana says he is “focused on getting something” and then looked at Lacey. When Lacey turned to berate Jimmy, Cabana checked out her ass. He then started pouring it on poor Jimmy, emphasizing Lacey’s reprimands with “YEAH!” Lacey told Jimmy he had better be focused on winning tomorrow night.
After the camera “cut,” Cabana and Lacey made plans to go on a date and f*ck. Jimmy Lacey and Colt were great here. GMC… was a goof. He feels like a naïve 1980’s territorial announcer in a modern wrestling product (which is what he is).

This was basically an extended squash with some Delirious stuff thrown in.

Joe worked the knee, while Roddy worked Joe’s back… with his backbreakers, which also wound up hurting Roddy’s knee. This was as hard-hitting as you’d expect, and the story-telling was excellent. The finish got a well-deserved “HOLY SH*T!” chant, and we got a nice show of respect after the match.

THE BRISCOES vs. NAOMICHI MARUFUJI & KENTA (w/Takashi Sugiura, Mohamed Yone, & Takeshi Morishima)- 8.75/10
I had forgotten that they had actually set this up with some angles back in June, with the Briscoes coming out to attack Aries and Strong, and KENTA getting involved against them because he happened to be there and just did the moral thing. They reminded us of this was some quick clips during the entrances.
The crowd popped HUGE for Marufuji being introduced as the GHC Heavyweight Champion. There really isn’t much else to say about this other than it was one heck of a stiff match. It was very 2006 indy, but that was cutting edge at the time, and still holds up to this day.

This was a pretty great show from ROH, all things considered. Sure, it pales in comparison to the next night’s show, but so does everything. It had some great wrestling, great promos, TREMENDOUS stuff from Jimmy, Lacey, and Cabana, and was easy to sit through. In fact, it was so good that I think next month we’ll check in on the other indy Gabe Sapolsky was booking at the time and which had Bryan Danielson as champion.


ANYTHING GOES MATCH FOR THE FIP TAG TEAM TITLES: Black Market(c) vs. the Heartbreak Express (w/SoCal Val) (from FIP Heatstroke 2006: Night 1)- 6/10
They hit each other with stuff a lot. SoCal Val threw a temper-tantrum after the match.

RAIN vs SARA DEL REY (from SHIMMER Vol. 4)- 6.75/10
Not much to say here. It was solid, but that’s it. I guess the idea was to get two of SHIMMER’s bigger names some exposure without giving away any of the big stuff on that show.
Hold #712: ARM BAR!

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