BRM Reviews the 11/19/2018 Raw (bad)

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BRM Reviews the 11/19/2018 Raw (bad)

Post by Big Red Machine » Nov 20th, '18, 00:20

Corbin comes out and sucks up to Steph by giving her the credit for Raw’s win last night before bringing her out. Bragging about last night’s win commences, with Steph actually being gracious to her employees. Corbin tries to get Steph to follow up on her promise to consider making Corbin’s GM position permanent. Steph admits that she did “make some promises,” which brought out Braun Strowman to demand his match with Corbin. Steph says the match will happen at TLC, and tells Corbin that if he loses, he gets to be the permanent GM, but if he loses, he loses all his authority.
Braun reminds everyone of the other promises Steph made. He will get his Universal Title shot at Brock Lesnar at Royal Rumble, but only if he beats Corbin. Braun was unhappy with this, but Steph asks him “do you think you can’t beat Baron Corbin?” at which point Braun conceded that she had a point. Braun says that their match at TLC will be a TLC match.
Corbin claims the match favors him… and then proceeds to use his power to book Braun in a handicap match against Drew McIntyre and Bobby Lashley. Steph jumps in to diplomatically turn it into Lashley, Drew, & Corbin vs. Braun, Balor, & Elias, and that match would happen RIGHT NOW.
I was worried that this segment would be intolerable with Steph and Corbin both bragging for fifteen minutes, but this was anything but.

ELIMINATION TAG TEAM MATCH: Finn Balor, Braun Strowman, & “The Drifter” Elias Sampson vs. Baron Corbin, Drew McIntyre, & Bobby Lashley (w/Lio Rush)- 6.75/10
Corbin apparently made this an elimination match during the commercial break, because apparently they think we didn’t get enough of those last night.
Balor ran, like, half way across the apron to tag himself in. Come on, referee! Enforce the tag rope rule!
The match was going really well, with heels isolating and then eliminating first Balor and then The Drifter, leaving Braun alone. Drew got himself intentionally DQed via chairshot at almost twenty-eight minutes in to make it two-on-one, but then all three heels just beat Braun up with weapons and stuff for f*cking FOREVER, and the referee just stood there instead of calling for the bell to disqualify the other two. As a heel beating and an injury angle (they smashed Braun’s arm with the steps, and Braun was already bleeding from the elbow) this was good, but they seemed to forget that there was theoretically a match going on here. At the end of this, we were almost an hour into the show.

Rollins came out and cut a promo. I’d say it was good, but the “I didn’t even know Dean was capable of love” line felt WAY too far over the top.
Dean then showed up on the TitanTron and said that The Shield was “rotten to the core” and that fans only cheered for The Shield because they didn’t know half the things they got up to. Dean said they would all have to pay for their misdeeds. He said that “what goes around comes back around on you, and it’s come back around on us,” and “we’re all going to get what we deserve. I mean, look at Roman.” Yes, really. Dean Ambrose said that Roman Reigns deserves cancer. He then said that Seth’s penance would be answering to him, and dared Seth to come find him. Seth went off to find him.

After Seth rushed off, we cut to the announcers, and Cole immediately turned to Renee and asked her why Dean was acting this way. Renee started off her reply by saying that “I’m the easy target here to just ask me all the questions about Dean Ambrose,” which obviously plays off of the fact that they are shoot married… but if you’re going to play off of that on commentary, then you really can’t have Seth saying he “didn’t even known Dean was capable of love” (and certainly can’t have Renee not react to it).

SETH SEARCHES FOR DEAN BACKSTAGE- He asks some security guards where Dean went. The first one said he didn’t know. Dean then asked another one, and this second one said “I don’t know, but you’d better get out of my face.” For this needless rudeness, Seth shoved him, then punched his innocent security guard friend for no reason. Other security guard ran over to tend to the wounded member of their herd. The announcers told us that this was Dean getting into Seth’s head because MIND GAMES.

Alexa Bliss! was on commentary for this match. They are beginning to really capitalize on this whole “facebreaker” thing by turning it into the big heel spot in a match. The heels won clean, with Nia pining Bayley after a Samoan Drop.

CHARLY CARUSO’S INTERVIEW GETS INTERRUPTED BUY DEAN AMBROSE- But not in person. He took over a backstage monitor. I laughed my ass off at that. He told Charly to tell Rollins that he would be waiting for him in The Shield’s old hangout spot.

ROLLINS LOOKS FOR AMBROSE BACKSTAGE- He has come to the appointed spot and kicks the door down, only to find no Ambrose, but that one of the other doors has “burn it down” painted onto it. Oh no! I’m having PTSD flashbacks to that horrible episode of Smackdown where Bray Wyatt sent Randy Orton a scavenger hunt full of magical bullsh*t.

PEOPLE MAKE FUN OF DRAKE MAVERICK IN CATERING FOR BEING HIS PANTS LAST NIGHT- They all bullied him. Methinks a company-wide B.A. Star lecture is in order. The usual juvenile bullsh*t, and the segment ended with Bobby Roode double over in laughter while shouting “HE SAID ‘URINE!’”

“LUCHA HOUSE RULES” MATCH: Lucha House Party vs. The Revival- 0.5/10
All three members of Lucha House Party are now carrying piñatas around. Is Vince Russo booking?
For those wondering, “Lucha House Rules” just means it’s a Handicap Match. Why is this a Handicap Match, and why are we booking a match that is tilted in the favor of the babyfaces?
Renee compared this to the Freebird Rule. Does she not know what the Freebird Rule was? Cole, too, apparently, as he tried to support Renee’s point. WWE’s idea with this seems to be as follows: The Revival are “traditionalists” and the Freebird Rule is old, therefore it is something The Revival should like. Even if this were the actual Freebird Rule they were using, that logical still doesn’t hold water. The fact that it’s called “the Freebird Rule” instead of just being a normal part of the rules of tag team wrestling makes it non-traditional by definition!
They wrestled for two minutes, did a spot with the piñata where the referee just allowed Gran Metalik to run around the ring holding this foreign object, and then Lucha House Party won. As trying to make me even more frustrated, Michael Cole decided that “Lucha House Rules” was too long so he referred to this match as having been under “Lucha Rules,” which means something entirely different!

CHARLY CARUSO INTERIVIEWS SETH ROLLINS- Seth vows to dins and hurt Ambrose for saying the terrible things he said about Roman. While this was happening, Dean wandered through the background. Titus O’Neil then showed up in the background, called Seth over, and pointed him in the right direction.

She’s getting cheered again. The schizophrenia of the fans astounds me. Despite having her neck PIllmanizered less than twenty-four hours ago. Ronda isn’t even wearing a neckbrace. Or even selling at all.
We’ve now got dueling chants of “WE WANT BECKY!” and “NO WE DON’T!”
Ronda says she’ll get revenge on Charlotte after she’s done with Nia. She then cut a great promo about being a champion, but also said she came here tonight to “fight.” Are you kidding me? SHE SHOULDN’T EVEN BE ON TV RIGHT NOW! She’s trying to tell me that this is her on her “worst day” but it sure doesn’t look like it’s her worst day because she’s not selling a thing!
Ronda also tells us that “if anyone knows me, they know that I refuse to step aside.” Really, Ronda? Then what, exactly, were you doing most of the year after your loss to Holly Holm? Because it sure looked like stepping aside to me.
Ronda made an open challenge for the title, but Baron Corbin came out instead and told her that her request for an open challenge title match was being denied. Ronda acted like this would be her “pulling out of a fight” or even “postponing a fight” which she emphasized that she had never done before, but that’s not even the case here because she clearly wasn’t scheduled to have a match tonight in the first place. Also, Ronda, you might not have ever had to postpone a fight before, but you never had to have an MMA fight on back-to-back nights, either, did you?
Ronda demands that Corbin find her an opponent, and then challenges him to a match. Challenging someone who you know can’t accept the fight. Real brave, Ronda.
This whole thing SUCKED. They went to such ridiculous extremes to show us how brave and tough Ronda Rousey is that they made the very beating she was intended to look tough and brave for overcoming feel completely meaningless. Ronda shouldn’t even have been on TV this week, or if she was, she should have been making her appearance from a hospital bed. Instead they gave us Super Ronda, the boringly unbreakable.

WWE RAW WOMEN’S TITLE MATCH: Ronda Rousey(c) vs. Mickie James- 1.25/10
Quick shine, quick heat, Ronda wins clean, not selling anything from last night.

POST-MATCH SEGMENT- Nia and Tamina showed up, and Nia held up her fist and blew on it like it was a smoking gun, then the heels left.

AoP beat up the babyfaces for a while but Gable won with a roll-up.


KAYLA BRAXTON INTERVIEWS SETH ROLLINS ON HIS WAY OUT OF THE BUILDING- She asks him if he is giving up looking for Dean but he says he has a flight need needs to catch, and that he’ll beat Dean up at TLC instead.

NATALYA vs. RUBY RIOTT (w/the Riott Squad)- 4.75/10
The announcers kept telling us that the Riott Squad “targeted Natalya’s late father Jim ‘The Anvil’ Neidhart,” but they actually haven’t said anything bad about Jim, have they? It’s Nattie they’ve been targeting. I know this is splitting hairs, but every time Cole or Renee tells me the Riott Squad have been “targeting Natalya’s late father” it gives me the mental image of them going to the cemetery and digging up The Anvil’s corpse so that they can powerbomb it through a table.
Liv’s hair color has changed from blue to pink. Probably not coincidentally, Lana’s got bluer. Have I mentioned how much I love this color-coding thing with the hair? It’s like 1990s All Japan main eventers with their tights, but with even more variety! I hope everyone is ready for Sasha Banks to start winning matches with Purple Flowsion.
Nattie overcame the numbers game and some work on her midsection to get the win via roll-up.

BRAUN STROWMAN MEDICAL UPDATE- He has a “shattered elbow.” This should put his match against Baron Corbin at TLC in doubt, don’t you think?

Dean Ambrose came out to the ring to rant, but it turns out Seth didn’t actually leave the building. They spoiled this by having Seth show up on the Tron instead of having him just charge out to the ring. They brawled, with Seth dominating until Dean hit him in the nuts. Dean yelled at Seth for a bit, then hit him with Dirty Deeds. Dean left, but then came back and hit a second one. I like how the referees were trying to break it up when they were on the outside, but when they got back into the ring to set up the Curb Stomp tease into the low blow, the referees gave up trying to break it up and just stood on the outside and yelled.

Another bad episode of Raw. The opening segment was great, but it was all downhill from there. Some of the frustrating themes of past weeks continued, while all-new frustrations reared their heads for the first time. The past month has convinced me that they are well on their way to ruining Ronda Rousey, probably Lucha House Party as well, and this Ambrose vs. Rollins feud feels like the same thing is happening over and over and over again.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 11/19/2018 Raw (bad)

Post by KILLdozer » Nov 20th, '18, 08:24

These bastards suck. Reigns is GONE. Leave him OUT of the script. He is no longer a character on the show!
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Re: BRM Reviews the 11/19/2018 Raw (bad)

Post by KILLdozer » Nov 20th, '18, 08:25

Remember when that Kane and Shawn Michaels chair and the neck thing happened years ago? These guys don't obviously.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 11/19/2018 Raw (bad)

Post by cero2k » Nov 20th, '18, 08:51

KILLdozer wrote: Nov 20th, '18, 08:25 Remember when that Kane and Shawn Michaels chair and the neck thing happened years ago? These guys don't obviously.
no wonder anyone gives a shit about beat downs and angles

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Re: BRM Reviews the 11/19/2018 Raw (bad)

Post by KILLdozer » Nov 20th, '18, 09:29

I one in WWE obviously has any idea what happened he missed MONTHS OF TIME ON END...

Then Ronda Rousey walks away and keeps on going the next night and wins!
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Re: BRM Reviews the 11/19/2018 Raw (bad)

Post by KILLdozer » Nov 20th, '18, 09:33

Stephanie's been like a different person lately...strangely's weird...
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Re: BRM Reviews the 11/19/2018 Raw (bad)

Post by KILLdozer » Nov 20th, '18, 09:55

Hm though...maybe that's a way of actually attempting to send Strowman back up near the top again the right way after fighting through all of this in the future.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 11/19/2018 Raw (bad)

Post by KILLdozer » Nov 20th, '18, 10:09

Yeah that Ambrose thing was he supposed to be a like a...*prophet of judgement day* now? He made it out to seem like they were some kinda...outlaw cowboys, pillagin' and plunderin', kidnap and killin' all over the place...smokin' crack with blood money...

Wtf is this shit??? Lol
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Re: BRM Reviews the 11/19/2018 Raw (bad)

Post by KILLdozer » Nov 20th, '18, 10:33

This bare faced Ronda Rousey is kinda
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Re: BRM Reviews the 11/19/2018 Raw (bad)

Post by Big Red Machine » Nov 20th, '18, 10:48

KILLdozer wrote: Nov 20th, '18, 10:09 Yeah that Ambrose thing was he supposed to be a like a...*prophet of judgement day* now? He made it out to seem like they were some kinda...outlaw cowboys, pillagin' and plunderin', kidnap and killin' all over the place...smokin' crack with blood money...

Wtf is this shit??? Lol
Yeah. It's kind of wacky.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 11/19/2018 Raw (bad)

Post by KILLdozer » Nov 20th, '18, 10:52

Big Red Machine wrote: Nov 20th, '18, 10:48
KILLdozer wrote: Nov 20th, '18, 10:09 Yeah that Ambrose thing was he supposed to be a like a...*prophet of judgement day* now? He made it out to seem like they were some kinda...outlaw cowboys, pillagin' and plunderin', kidnap and killin' all over the place...smokin' crack with blood money...

Wtf is this shit??? Lol
Yeah. It's kind of wacky.
I'm kinda thinking it'll lead to Renee turning into an actual heel on-screen character.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 11/19/2018 Raw (bad)

Post by Serujuunin » Nov 20th, '18, 11:29

I legitimately wish they hadn’t acknowledged Dean and Renee on screen. Everything with Renee makes me feel super awkward and uncomfortable.

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Re: BRM Reviews the 11/19/2018 Raw (bad)

Post by KILLdozer » Nov 20th, '18, 11:45

Serujuunin wrote: Nov 20th, '18, 11:29 I legitimately wish they hadn’t acknowledged Dean and Renee on screen. Everything with Renee makes me feel super awkward and uncomfortable.
Why? They're just making them a legitimate on-screen couple in kayfabe.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 11/19/2018 Raw (bad)

Post by Big Red Machine » Nov 20th, '18, 12:58

KILLdozer wrote: Nov 20th, '18, 11:45
Serujuunin wrote: Nov 20th, '18, 11:29 I legitimately wish they hadn’t acknowledged Dean and Renee on screen. Everything with Renee makes me feel super awkward and uncomfortable.
Why? They're just making them a legitimate on-screen couple in kayfabe.
Because WWE doesn't know how to deal with these situations. Have you ever noticed how all mentions of the relationships between Dragon and Brie or Jimmy Uso and Naomi, or Cena and Nikki or whoever always suddenly disappear on-screen when one of them is a heel and the other is a babyface? (The only place such a thing ever seems to be explored is NXT, first with Tyson and Nattie and now with Johnny and Candice).
But now that they have made Renee an announcer, it's unavoidable for her not to give her opinion on it the way they could try to just sweep it under the rug by not having Dragon say something about Brie being a heel by just not asking him and not booking them to appear in the same segment, because Renee's entire job is to tell us what she is seeing and give us insight into the storylines. And as a result, Renee having to be a babyface and deny all knowledge and say that she and Dean don't talk much anyone etc. makes it feel like they're going through a divorce.
If want to do that as part of the storyline then that's fine... but make it a clear part of the storyline. Acknowledge their marriage, and extend this idea of Dean shutting everyone out to even his own wife, and have Renee act like this is all really troubling to her. If you're not willing to do that then you shouldn't have made Renee an announcer or shouldn't have turned Dean heel.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 11/19/2018 Raw (bad)

Post by KILLdozer » Nov 20th, '18, 13:02

Big Red Machine wrote: Nov 20th, '18, 12:58
KILLdozer wrote: Nov 20th, '18, 11:45
Serujuunin wrote: Nov 20th, '18, 11:29 I legitimately wish they hadn’t acknowledged Dean and Renee on screen. Everything with Renee makes me feel super awkward and uncomfortable.
Why? They're just making them a legitimate on-screen couple in kayfabe.
Because WWE doesn't know how to deal with these situations. Have you ever noticed how all mentions of the relationships between Dragon and Brie or Jimmy Uso and Naomi, or Cena and Nikki or whoever always suddenly disappear on-screen when one of them is a heel and the other is a babyface? (The only place such a thing ever seems to be explored is NXT, first with Tyson and Nattie and now with Johnny and Candice).
But now that they have made Renee an announcer, it's unavoidable for her not to give her opinion on it the way they could try to just sweep it under the rug by not having Dragon say something about Brie being a heel by just not asking him and not booking them to appear in the same segment, because Renee's entire job is to tell us what she is seeing and give us insight into the storylines. And as a result, Renee having to be a babyface and deny all knowledge and say that she and Dean don't talk much anyone etc. makes it feel like they're going through a divorce.
If want to do that as part of the storyline then that's fine... but make it a clear part of the storyline. Acknowledge their marriage, and extend this idea of Dean shutting everyone out to even his own wife, and have Renee act like this is all really troubling to her. If you're not willing to do that then you shouldn't have made Renee an announcer or shouldn't have turned Dean heel.
Well it almost seems like she's going to go full heel or empathize with him at least so you won't have to worry about that this time.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 11/19/2018 Raw (bad)

Post by Big Red Machine » Nov 20th, '18, 13:15

KILLdozer wrote: Nov 20th, '18, 13:02
Big Red Machine wrote: Nov 20th, '18, 12:58
KILLdozer wrote: Nov 20th, '18, 11:45

Why? They're just making them a legitimate on-screen couple in kayfabe.
Because WWE doesn't know how to deal with these situations. Have you ever noticed how all mentions of the relationships between Dragon and Brie or Jimmy Uso and Naomi, or Cena and Nikki or whoever always suddenly disappear on-screen when one of them is a heel and the other is a babyface? (The only place such a thing ever seems to be explored is NXT, first with Tyson and Nattie and now with Johnny and Candice).
But now that they have made Renee an announcer, it's unavoidable for her not to give her opinion on it the way they could try to just sweep it under the rug by not having Dragon say something about Brie being a heel by just not asking him and not booking them to appear in the same segment, because Renee's entire job is to tell us what she is seeing and give us insight into the storylines. And as a result, Renee having to be a babyface and deny all knowledge and say that she and Dean don't talk much anyone etc. makes it feel like they're going through a divorce.
If want to do that as part of the storyline then that's fine... but make it a clear part of the storyline. Acknowledge their marriage, and extend this idea of Dean shutting everyone out to even his own wife, and have Renee act like this is all really troubling to her. If you're not willing to do that then you shouldn't have made Renee an announcer or shouldn't have turned Dean heel.
Well it almost seems like she's going to go full heel or empathize with him at least so you won't have to worry about that this time.
They're not turning Renee Young heel. It's just the usual third announcer flip-flopping. Otunga, Coach, and even Saxton and Watson have done it, too.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 11/19/2018 Raw (bad)

Post by Serujuunin » Nov 24th, '18, 13:28

I just don’t like how they are implying that Renee doesn’t know anything, when we all know that she does because they’re married. And there’s been no interactions between the two to indicate marital strife to further the idea that Renee knows nothing. I feel like as a fan they’re insulting my intelligence with it to be honest. Or, Renee is deliberately withholding info which I don’t like either.

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Re: BRM Reviews the 11/19/2018 Raw (bad)

Post by KILLdozer » Nov 24th, '18, 15:55

It's not impossible to fathom that some couples don't tell each other everything. They're clearly trying to say he's a man who's gone into the darkness and hiding things from her...which says load about the character?

You..."don't like it"???

You're new here aren't you lol.
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