GFW Impact Wrestling 9.28: Victory Road

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GFW Impact Wrestling 9.28: Victory Road

Post by cero2k » Sep 29th, '17, 18:23

GFW Impact Wrestling
September 28th, 2017
Orlando, FL

Victory Road Build Up Video - It covered the tag feud, the X-Division feud, and the world title feud.

X-Division Championship Match
"Canadian Destroyer" Petey Williams vs "Carolina Caveman" Trevor Lee (C) w/Caleb Konley - 6.5/10
I really don't know why Petey got a title shot before Dezmond Xavier or Dutt's rematch, but I'm not gonna complain, I missed him and I'm guessing this all builds up to the Canada shows.

Lee initially had most of the control since Konley kept getting involved, this worked up for Petey to make a comeback and hit the Canadian Destroyer, but Konley pulled the ref out during the pin, this got him kicked to the back by the ref. Match continued back and forward, but at the end Lee hit the stomp for the win while he pulled the tights. Ok match, a bit short.

LAX Club House Promo - They're gonna kill OVE. Nothing special.

Sienna, Taryn Terrell, and Taya Valkyrie vs Gail Kim, Allie, and Rosemary - 4/10
Match started with Gail wanting to fight them all, and so all the heel ladies kicked her ass as she was the babyface in peril for a while until Allie and Rosemary came in for the hot tag. They started doing a bunch of dives while Taryn and Sienna took care of Allie and Sienna pinned her (with her legs on the ropes). Boring match, but great to look at.

Eli Drake Promo - He's not losing tonight, it was generic, but Drake is awesome.

Joseph Park & Grado Segment - They'er having dinner or something. Park gives Grado his first royalty check, and when Grado offers to pay for dinner, Park takes off immediately. Grado opens the envelope and see something that he didn't like, I take it he got paid cents.

Johnny Impact Interview - Impact is using Eli Drake's couch to bring up that he is also taking Drake's title. Cheesy but good.

James Storm Promo - Storm comes out to the ring, he cuts a promo against Mexico and AAA, he gets a GFW chant going, but has to stop it to ask the fans to stand up to do the chant. He also at one point stopped the fans doing a USA chant saying this ain't about Mexico vs US.

Texano came out, Storm got a 'Taco Bell' chant going, and they started to brawl. Fantasma came out and they double teamed Storm for a while, Texano started whipping him with the bull rope and ended it with a superkick. Fantasma cut an amazing promo (in perfect english), he says that they actually do respect GFW, but AAA is still better. As they're about to break Storm's beer bottle on Storm's head, ECIII returns the favor from last week and makes the save.

ECIII and James Storm shake hands at the end.

After commercial, Storm and ECIII ask for a match with the AAA guys. Cornette asks "don't you guys hate each other?", to which they both answer, "We Do!". Storm says they're gonna kick the AAA's guys ass so bad that the GFW and AAA relation will end.

Global Forge Episode 3 - They got 3 finalist. A Marcus guy, good look, look generic; a Tony, bearded dude; and finally, a dude called Mike, also looks meh. It's really sad that they had this project and they threw it away with 3 minute segments on Impact. Like I care nothing about Tony, Marcus, or Mike.

GFW World Tag Team Championship Match
Ohio Versus Everyone vs LAX (C) w/Homicide, Konnan, and Diamante - 6.5/10
OVE flew over the ropes with top con giros, jumping LAX during their entrances, so they kinda started strong, but as soon as they made in inside the ring, LAX got the control of the match on Jake Crist for a while.

Dave got the hot tag, they went tornado for a while, and out of nowhere kinda Dave Crist got the pin and won the titles. It was a good move, but I'm sure no one expected the match to end at that point. Good match, just the finish felt underwhelming.

Lashley and Friends Segment - They go to ATT's gym for training. Lambert cuts a great promo saying that now that Lashley has focused on MMA, he's going to become the greatest champion ever.

GFW Global Championship Match
Johnny Impact vs Eli Drake (C) w/Chris Adonis -
For all the matches I've complained that were too short, this match got a lot of time. Adonis got himself kicked to the back really early on too, so less things to complain about.

The match continued with Drake dominating mostly, and Impact getting some stuff here and there. They kinda told a story that Drake had a huge arsenal and stamina (playing the gauntlet win), but Impact himself wouldn't give up. At one point there was a ref bump that gave both men clean pins over each other, and some good near falls when the ref (and second ref) made it to the ring to count.

Finish saw Drake sneak in a low blow and hit his finisher for the win. Good match, some overbooking, but at least it wasn't all one sided.

Post-match - Drake cuts a promo saying that Impact will NEVER get the title. Awesome mic work like always. Adonis and Drake beat on Impact until Garza Jr of all people comes down and takes out Adonis and Drake.

Then LAX hit the ring and beat Garza and Impact down, the big angle being when Konnan strikes a fan and some producer. Inside the ring Adonis locks in the Adonis lock on a ref. D'Amore and Cornette come out to fix the chaos as the show goes off the air.

For a wrestling heavy show, it was somewhat disappointing since only the main event was good. Storyline wise we had some stuff, but mostly build up, nothing major to go out of your way to see. Next week we get Texano/Fantasma vs ECIII/Storm.

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