GFW Impact Wrestling 7.27: Patron Runs The Gauntlet

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GFW Impact Wrestling 7.27: Patron Runs The Gauntlet

Post by cero2k » Jul 27th, '17, 19:45

GFW Impact Wrestling
July 27, 2017
Orlando, FL

Earlier today: Grado arrives with Park and he is proposing tonight. Also tonight, Ishimore vs Richards, Alberto runs the LAX Gauntlet, and Sienna vs Rosemary for the titles. We're also 3 weeks from Destination X!

Eli Drake, Chris Adonis, and ECIII vs Moose, Eddie Edwards, and Naomichi Marufuji - 6.5/10
Mayor of Orlando made the introductions, he did pretty decent, what other mayor has the credential of calling Marufuji to the ring? This match got a good amount of time. The heels got the heat on Eddie Edwards for a while, then everyone got in there. Everyone looked good, but I just don't know where Eli or Eddie are going right now. ECIII pinned Moose after an Angel's Wings.

McKenzie Interviews Richard Justice - This fat guy has been doing squats for like a month now, McKenzie finally asks him who he is, he's Richard Justice, The Stand By Wrestler, warming up in case they need him out there. This was somewhat well done. It's Team Tremendous' Dick Justice for anyone wondering.

OI4K Vignette!! FUCK YES!

Lashley Calls Out Prichard - He says that he is tired of all these new people just coming in and thinking and asking for title shots and getting in his business. He calls out Bruce Prichard so he can officially declare when Lashley gets his title rematch. While Prichard is talking, Matt Sydal comes out and gets in Lashley's face. Lashley tries to take him out, but Sydal lands a kick and a SSP.

Davey Richards/Taiji Ishimori Vignettes - Awesome, Davey was perfect.

Super X Cup First Round Match
Davey Richards vs Taiji Ishimori - 7.5/10
This could be a main event anywhere in the world. Richards kept the match grounded most of the time, was in control for a large chunk of the match, but he kept fighting against someone in the crowd that I swear only he could hear, and eventually this is distraction enough for Ishimori to finally make a comeback. Finish saw Ishimori win with a 450 Splash. Great match. Ishimori vs ACH is the next round, teammates collide!

Bruce Prichard Announcement - He announces Sydal vs Lashley at Destination X. Winner gets the championship match they've been asking for.

GFW Unified Women's Championship Last Knockout Standing Match
Sienna (C) w/KM vs Rosemary - 6.5/10
Match started with Rosemary going all crazy on Sienna, she set up the first table. Sienna got the upper hand and brought out a second table and some chairs. They brawl into the crowd where she did an awesome looking reverse Tarantula on the guardrail.

Some of the bigger spots were an AK-47 from the apro to the floor, A Red Wedding to a steel chair. Finsh was when Rosemary went through a table outside from the top rope when Sienna hit her with a trashcan face first, she couldn't make it to her feat while Sienna just rolled up outside of the ring to get on her feet. This match was unfortunately shorter than what we should have gotten, especially since the opener was longer than it needed.

ECIII Interview - ECIII introduces his new move, The ECD, Ethan Carter Driver (that Angels' wings he did). He is getting the tittle shot at Moose next week.

Patron Interview - Awesome babyface promo. It's weird, his backstage promos tend to sound really babyface-ish, but in the ring, he always sounds heel.

Rosemary post-match interview - She says she's coming back.
Sienna post-match interview - She says that there was no interference (there was) and that she has proved that she can overcome everything that Karen Jarrett throws at her.

Trevor Lee Segment - Lee comes out and says that he found the best wrestler in Mexico to challenge for the X-Division title. They actually talked about the rumors of Rey Mysterio, so it seems they had started talking to him since.

X-Division Match
Trevor Lee (C) vs Octagoncito - DUD
Trevor Lee got tired of wrestling the mini about 3 minutes in and left, Octagoncito wins via countout.

Post-match - Sonjay Dutt came out looking for his title, Bruce Prichard got him removed.

LAX Vignette - Konnan making tons of sense, he DID make a proper offer to join and gave him his word he would let his family go.

Grado/Laurel Van Ness Proposal - When Van Ness made her entrance, Sienna tried to talk some sense, but Laurel didn't listen. Grado proposes, Allie for some reason came out and was happy about this. Braxton Sutter told her to come to the back (I think he's turning heel?). Before Van Ness can answer, Kong Kongo comes out (why does he even care?), this time Grado decides to confront KK at first, but then runs away. Van Ness tries to calm KK. This is not as fun as her first marriage.

Gauntlet Match
Alberto El Patron vs LAX w/Diamante & Konnan - 4/10
Isn't this the perfect scenario to introduce a new member? Homicide starts the match and is eliminated within a minute. Homicide hasn't had a match since returning and now is gone in less than a minute, is Homicide injured or something?
Ortiz is the second, he got a bit more offense in as the rest of LAX interfered, but he is also eliminated quite quickly. Finally, Santana enters the ring, after some fighting, Alberto locks in the armbar on Santana and everyone attacks, so Santana is eliminated by DQ.

Everyone is beating up Alberto, they tie his arms back. HIjo de Dos Caras comes out for the save, but LAX just gang up on him. Dos Caras also comes out, but can't even make it inside the ring, suddenly VOW come out for the save! All 8 men brawl, Alberto makes it up with a chair and starts taking everyone in LAX out.

This was crap, they had a great chance to get some proper heat on Alberto, give LAX a good showing for their young guys, give Hijo de Dos Caras a good showing, they did none of that, Alberto just went through them like Cena went through Nexus, and we all know how that ended. Honestly, if people can't get heat on Alberto, then get him the fuck out.

Good show overall, just a really lackluster main event. I heard about the gauntlet mid week and I immediately thought of past gauntlets like Bryan vs Swagger/Cesaro/Ryback, and so I was hyped, but unfortunately, this wasn't anything like that. The rest of the show did its job, I won't complain much. I'm more excited about Sydal/Lashley than I am of the world champ.

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