BRM Reviews wXw We Love Wrestling #29: 16 Carat Gold Revenge (great!)

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Big Red Machine
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BRM Reviews wXw We Love Wrestling #29: 16 Carat Gold Revenge (great!)

Post by Big Red Machine » Apr 23rd, '22, 22:49

wXw We Love Wrestling #29: 16 Carat Gold Revenge (4/2/2022)- Frankfurt, Germany

Same old Dennis and Hektor sh*t where Hektor is annoyed at Dennis, eventually tires to work with him and it goes well for a bit until it backfires. Having Hektor get crotched on the top and then the heel tying his shoelaces together around the post so he can’t break up the pin is BRILLIANT… but, as I said the last time we saw these two teams interact, I’m frustrated that people who can come up with something this brilliant are wasting their time on this dumb Dennis & Hektor crap.

DAN INTERVIEWS DENNIS AND HEKTOR- Dennis blames himself for getting pinned, but Hektor comes in and tells him not to blame himself for losing when their opponents were playing dirty. Hektor finally warming up to Dennis would have been great if it had happened six months ago. This story has been going on for OVER A YEAR at this point, and Dennis has already hit the point where he has been so annoying (and, at times, disrespectful of Hektor’s wishes to not touch his things) that I don’t understand why Hektor hasn’t been beating the sh*t out of Dennis on sight for months by now.

Anyway, Dan tries to go into the production room, but the door is immediately yanked closed. Dan says he’ll keep investigating. Why is being kept secret from Dan? The only reasons I can think of are that either the promotion wants to reveal it as a big surprise (most likely) or they want the Director of Sport to have anonymity like the idea was with the Raw GM so that heels can’t threaten him/her or take revenge on his/her friends and family for a decision that they don’t like. And in either one of those possibilities, Dan should know not to go trying to expose this person’s identity!

Heisenberg overpowered Aigle Blanc and got the win.

wXw ACADEMY CUP MATCH: Oskar Munchow(c) vs. Jacob Crane- 1.25/10
Before the match, “The Avalanche” Robert Dreissker, the had trainer of the wXw Academy who recently turned heel and has apparently been suspended for the entire month of April because he attacked Jonathan Gresham after the finals of 16 Carat Gold, stood up in the crowd, argued with Oskar, and threw a drink on him. Security escorted Avalanche away.
Oscar wins clean in three and a half minutes.

Norman Harras rushes into the Director of Sport’s office. Dan follows him in. Norman claims that he is the new Director of Sport and assures us that Avalanche has been banned from the building, and that Avalanche’s actions don’t fit into Norman’s vision of what wXw should be. I guess we’re supposed to be upset at Norman for being a hypocrite, but I don’t understand how we’re supposed to concentrate on that because all I can think about is why the hell anyone making decisions in this company thought that giving this job to NORMAN HARRAS was a good idea. He’s one of the people most likely to abuse the position for his own gain.

wXw WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: Fast Time Moodo & Stephanie Maze(c) vs. Bobby Gunns & Michael Knight- 8/10
Knight and Gunns are getting this rematch because Knight was injured during their previous title shot… which doesn’t make much sense to me. One wrestler did a move to the opponent that caused the opponent to suffer an injury to the point where the opponent was deemed unable to continue. Isn’t that just victory by referee stoppage? To make this work, I think you needed to have a segment where Bobby Gunns talks the champs into giving them this rematch, with Maze being willing to give in due to her history with her knee injury and the Arrows of Hungary being happy to give her and Moodo another title shot after she re-injured her knee during their first shot against them.
Anyway, this was pretty much the match we were expecting to get last time. All four of them just did their thing with their strikes and good high-flying and emotion and really solid basic, and they had a nice (but also rather angry) match that built well from start to finish. Bobby Gunns got pinned. I assume this must be important or else they wouldn’t have had any need to re-do this match, as I didn’t see any specific spot that seemed to be a pivotal moment in some sort of larger story they hadn’t had a chance to get to in the previous match before the injury happened.

wXw SHOTGUN TITLE MATCH: Maggot(c) vs. Norman Harras- 5.5/10
And look at that. A suspect person is giving booking power, and within an hour, he wins the lottery for a shot at the title he has been wanting.
The fans all love Maggot here in his home city. I’m sorry, but I just don’t understand how simply being from the same locale as you can make you want to cheer for someone who does terrible things.
This was a decent match, but absolutely despised the finish on every level. Norman went for a roll-up and pulled the tights and when the referee noticed it and refused to count, Norman turned around to argue with him as if he thought this would accomplish something. With Norman being an idiot and distracting himself, Maggot rolled Norman up. He pulled the tights, too, but the referee didn’t see it and counted the three, and the fans all cheered for this cheater cheating to win. Norman getting his comeuppance for cheating doesn’t really work when the guy he is cheating against (and then cheated by at the finish) is someone who I don’t like because he regularly cheats others!
And where could this even go? Norman, as Director of Sport, is going to get angry at the referee, leading too… what, exactly? Norman feuding with a referee? Don’t want to see that. Norman getting fired from his new position for abusing his power or abusing a referee? That doesn’t make whoever put him in charge look like less of an idiot for doing it in the first place (as Norman abusing his power was about as predicable as water being wet), and it would mean we’ll be moving on to our fourth authority figure in six months, all just to heap one more indignity on a heel who has spent the past year being humiliated over and over again. Norman’s career has been in a f*cking DEATH SPIRAL for the past year, all revolving around the Shotgun Title. Maggot doesn’t really even need the belt. Why are we keeping the belt on Maggot and destroying a potential mega-star in Norman?

wXw WOMEN’S TITLE MATCH: Ava Everett(c) vs. Iva Kolasky vs. Baby Allison (w/Vincent Heisenberg)- 4.75/10
The fans are already booing Iva, despite her heel turn feeling like it has only just started. Then the match happened, and that booing became justified. Not because she was a heel, but because she was a moron. She proposed an alliance with Ava Everett and was immediately turned on. Then, later in the match, she proposed an alliance with Ava AGAIN… and was immediately turned on AGAIN. How could anyone ever cheer for her after seeing be such a f*cking moron?
There was some good stuff in here but it was basically three heels, one of whom (Baby Allison) was getting cheered because this is her home city. Allison won the belt, pinning Ava after a spear, which makes me wonder why they put the belt on Ava at all instead of just having Allison beat Iva.

Tonight’s main event was supposed to be tag team match pitting Tristan Archer & Axel Tischer against Jurn Simmons and Levaniel, but Levaniel has COVID, so it’s now a three-way. Archer accused Levaniel of being a coward who was at home and crying because Archer pinned him to win the Unified World Wrestling Title at 16 Carat Gold 2022: Night 2.
Norman Harras walked by, and he and Archer had a tense interaction. This led to Norman coming out right before the beginning of the main event and changing it to a…

wXw UNIFIED WORLD WRESTLING TITLE MATCH: Tristan Archer(c) vs. Axel Tischer vs. Jurn Simmons- 8/10
I popped so hard for Tristan Archer being the bottom guy in a Tower of Doom spot, and instead of just going down in the hopes that everyone going down after a cool spot would prompt a “THAT WAS AWESOME!” chant, he took a moment to sell the stress of essentially powerbombing two people, and then went for the f*cking pinfall.
This was another match that built very well. Everyone got their time to shine and there were some really fun slugfest spots. Jurn won the title, which shocked me, and also makes men wonder whether Levaniel having COVID is a work or not. Directionally, this could set something up between Jurn and Levaniel over the idea that things go better for Jurn when Levaniel isn’t around, Tischer will no doubt be upset about having lost another title match without getting pinned, and Archer will surely be upset at Norman for making this a title match when it wasn’t originally going to be.

This was a great little show from wXw, with some solid wrestling and some rather newsworthy happenings. Between the show having a theme (16 Carat Gold revenge, where there were rematches from 16 Carat Gold in most of the matches on the card) and how newsworthy it was, I’m quite surprised that they’re using it as an episode of We Love Wrestling instead of letting it stand on its own as a named show. It feels like we get those so rarely nowadays.
Hold #712: ARM BAR!

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