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WWE suspends Joe Coffey, releases two NXT UK referees

Posted: Jun 30th, '20, 16:44
by cero2k
source: ... ees-314476

While their mandatory conference call ended up being a reminder of company policy, WWE did take action against several additional UK talents Tuesday, a follow up to the Friday releases of Ligero (Simon Musk) and Travis Banks (Travis Bligh).

The company confirmed that referees Joel Allen and Chris Roberts were released while Joe Coffey (seen above) has been suspended, all due to allegations from #SpeakingOut.

As far as the conference call with UK talent, it was largely Paul Levesque telling them explicitly what the protocol was regarding sexual abuse allegations. He said that there would be zero tolerance on any charges, provided there was irrefutable evidence to the charges.

It was taken as more of a warning going forward than anything else, but there was no talk regarding any other changes with the UK brand which will continue to tape television as soon as it is once again feasible to do so in that market.