BRM Reviews Beyond Flesh (fun)

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Big Red Machine
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BRM Reviews Beyond Flesh (fun)

Post by Big Red Machine » Jul 28th, '18, 21:53

Beyond Flesh (7/17/2016)- Melrose, MA

Both men worked over the arm, first with submissions and then with strikes. They had a lot of intensity going as well and hit each other VERY hard, with Gresham wanting to prove that his roll-up victory over Zack at Ripped Off in the Prime of Life wasn’t a fluke and Zack determined not to lose a second time. For this reason, I absolutely hated that “let’s just sit down together and take turns hitting each other” spot they did towards the end. They were both so calm that it lowered the intensity rather than raised it, and it killed their momentum. The match was still awesome, but it would have been even batter without that spot.

Veda found several different ways to call LuFisto old after the introductions, so LuFisto started off the match by punching Veda in the face. LuFisto dominated Veda for a while but Veda was able to cut her off and get a good amount of offense in before LuFisto was able to counter a move off of the apron and powerbomb Veda onto the apron. From there they went into their false finishes, but I don’t think anyone really thought Veda had a snowball’s chance at that point. LuFisto wasn’t able to get Veda up when she went for the Burning Hammer so she tried it again and didn’t quite get her up the way she wanted, resulting in something resembling a Burning Hammer into a Backdrop Driver, which actually looked pretty awesome.

BRIAN FURY & DA HIT SQUAD vs. TEAM PAZUZU (Angel Ortiz, Mike Draztik, & Jaka)- 6.75/10
A fun six-man tag with some big spots. Team Pazuzu won, and The Crusade for Change assaulted Da Hit Squad after the match to build up the ten-man tag at this year’s Americanrana which will see them take on Da Hit Squad, B-Boy, Eddie Kingston, & Homicide. Team Pazuzu eventually came back out to make the save.

Dickinson just dominated Sanchez the entire time but Pinkie kept kicking out. Pinkie eventually managed to hit the “Burning Snicklefritz” (it’s a Burning Hammer) but Dickinson kicked out at one… and then engaged in what appeared to be intended to be a complete and total parody of the standard fighting spirit power up. He challenged Pinkie to a striking contest but Pinkie knocked him down pretty quickly. Pinkie hit a moonsault but Dickinson kicked out. Pinkie hit another moonsault and Dickinson kicked out at again. At this point I was wondering if these guys had some sort of grudge against Kenta Kobashi and just wanted to kick out of his stuff. Pinkie went for a moonsault double-stomp but Dickinson got out of the way, then hit Pinkie with some big power moves, finishing in a Pazuzu Bomb that Pinkie landed pretty badly on, then Dickinson made the cover for the win. This was a little weird, but also quite entertaining.

POST-MATCH SEGMENT- Jaka came out and all three guys hugged.

A very fun main event in which Ciampa made the mistake of trying to prove that he was a better submission wrestler than Matt Riddle.

Riddle’s Catchpoint pals (who are in the building because EVOLVE 65 is taking place in the same building later the same day) came out to celebrate with him, but they got jumped from behind by Team Pazuzu to set up a six-man tag at Americanrana 2016.

A very fun show from Beyond. The opener was awesome and everything else was at least good, and clocking in at less than an hour forty-five, the time flies by as you are treated to nothing but solid professional wrestling.
Hold #712: ARM BAR!

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